Prof. Dr. Emine KOÇ
Prof. Dr. Emine KOÇ
Department of Physiology - Lecturer
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Name-Surname: EMİNE KOÇ

Languages: English


Bachelor: Ankara University, Faculty of Science, 1970

Doctorate (PhD): Ankara  University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiology, 1977


Current Position: Teaching Staff

Title: Full Professor

Department: Physiology

Other administrative positions:

Near East University, Faculty of Medicine, head of Department of Physiology

Near East Universityş head of  Local Ethics Committee of animal experiments


She received the bachelor degree from Ankara University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology .  She completed her PhD degrees in Physiology in 1977. In 1983, she received an Associate Professor Degree and then become a Full-Professor in 1989 in the same department. She have retired in 2015 from Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine, Physiology department. Since 2015, she work as a full-professor at Near East University, School of Medicine, Physiology Department.