Faculty of Medicine is in the World Directory of Medical Schools

Near East University Faculty of Medicine is now included within the world directory of medical schools…

Students of Near East University Faculty of Medicine will be able to be doctors in any country around the world, including the USA.

Near East University Faculty of Medicine is now included in he World Directory of Medical Schools and graduates from schools included in this directory have the opportunity to take their specialisation exams in the United States of America and work as a doctor in any country around the world (including the USA) . The World Directory is a joint venture of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) and the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER), in collaboration with the World Health Organisation and the University of Copenhagen.

It was revealed that this directorate aimed to list up to date and detailed information on medical schools around the world and that the World Directory defines “medical school” as an educational institution that provides a complete or full program of instruction leading to a basic medical qualification; that is, a qualification that permits the holder to obtain a license to practice as a medical doctor or physician. In this regard, faculties of education which provide medical education and training at high standards are included in the directorate and enables those interested to easily obtain detailed information on the medical schools. Furthermore, the graduates from the Faculties of Medicine listed in the directorate are provided the opportunity to be doctors in any country around the world and also continue their specialisation educations including in the United States.

Prof. Dr. Gamze Mocan: “The accreditation of our Faculty of Medicine has been approved!”
Making a statement on the matter, Dean of Faculty of Medicine of Near East University, Prof. Dr. Gamze Mocan expressed that the fact that the NEU Faculty of Medicine is now included in the World Directory of Medical Schools was due the outstanding achievements of the faculty to date. She further expressed how pleased they were to be approved by the World Directory of Medical Schools. Moreover, she pointed out that the NEU Faculty of Medicine the one and only faculty of the island who had been included in the directory and this made them rather proud. She stressed that this was a result of the work and efforts of the NEU family, due to establishing the first university hospital on the island, and due to the infrastructure and investments made by the Near East University.

In addition to the above, Prof. Dr. Mocan said that the Near East University had the most equipped hospital in Cyprus and that currently, the NEU Faculty of Medicine had given its first two batches of graduates. She expressed that the graduates were provided their medical education with both English and Turkish as the languages of instruction and the faculty currently had more than a thousand students. Moreover, she said that the NEU Faculty of Medicine had a highly esteemed and competent academic staff, and had 131 physicians working as professors, associate and assistant professor doctors. She proudly stated that the NEU Faculty of Medicine had accreditations from various esteemed authorities and had received many awards. Furthermore, she added that they had many centres including a centre of: Cardiovascular Diseases, Oncology, Organ Transplantation, Genetics and Cancer Diagnosis, Dialysis, In vitro fertilisation, Smoking Cessation and Check-up Centres, and that these centres were a great opportunity to students of the NEU Faculty of Medicine to get a multidisciplinary education and training in the field.